onsdag 23 mars 2011

Drugs or Acohol?

 Yesterday was crazy! I was in Stockholm last night and had a wonderful party with friends and boyfriend. Talking about party I think of alcohol. It’s not legal to buy alcohol when you are under 20 years old, but it’s legal to buy alcohol in the night clubs if you are 18. I believe you can buy 3,5% alcohol drinks when you are 18 no more than that. Well, you can whatever you want in the night clubs when you are over 18 but it costs so much!  

Talking about night clubs you have to be very careful! You just can’t leave you drinks on the table and then walk away.  You never know what might happen with your drinks someone might put drugs in your drinks, or stuff like that, I don’t really know much about drugs but I have heard that it’s very easy to get if you want some. People don’t afraid to sell drugs. I don’t know why, it’s very illegal here to sell drugs or even buy them.  I see no positive of drugs. I don’t do drugs, I don’t smoke I hate those stuffs, My real dad is a drug user, I haven’t talk to him over 7 years if it’s not more. Drugs destroyed my family it took my dad away. I will never do a same mistake as he did. You try once you will never be able to stop.

torsdag 17 mars 2011


OMG! I really want summer right now!!!  Can you imagine how nice and pretty is it? When is warm and sunshine the blow of the winds and the most important, the strawberries!!  I just want summer!! In Sweden summer is so popular! I can’t think of any who doesn’t like summer in Sweden.


Summer must be the most beloved season in Sweden. In the summer we enjoy to be outside (as much as we can anyway).  I spent my summer in Kalmar (south of Sweden). There is a place calls Öland. It was so nice there you can’t imagine that. Where were so many bleaches that you can choose. It was not sand bleach more like stone bleach. The water can be too cold sometimes. But then we can still take the sol bath if it’s good weather...:D  I really recommend if you like the islands.
And there is a place in Stockholm, called Gamla stan which means old town. You can’t imagine how beautiful the town is.  The town was formed in 1980. And the town is still keeping its time. When you go there you feel like you are in 1800-1900century.  I think Gamla stan is beautiful all year long. You can come whenever you like even it’s very cold outside. It’s still beautiful.

Well, everyone might not have time to visit Sweden in the summer. You can still come to Sweden in winter too, but then you need to visit the Ice Hotel! I never been there myself but everyone said it was incredible. It was like magic. Everything made of ice, the bed, the glasses, and the door. Can you really thing about that? The hotel is in Lappland kind of far north of Sweden.  But I think it’s worth it. I really want to go there myself, but poor people like could take some times to safe the money before I can visit there.

måndag 14 mars 2011


Have you seen these before? Oh yeah, it calls älg in Swedish or moose in English. We have a lot of älgar (moose) here. Älgar is symbol of Sweden or Scandinavians. I’m not an animal person but I can tell a little bit about them.
 Most of the moose live in the north of Sweden, well there are some in the south too, but more in the north. The sizes is varying depends of the sexes. The males can weigh up to 720kg and 360kg for females. You can easily recognize them because of their horns. As you can see they are very special. I believe they are one of the kindest species on earth.  They are vegetarians (good to know at least).   But not the wolves… Moose have often become the wolves’ meal.

Talking about wolves, we have a lot of wolves here in Sweden too. I like doggies and I like wolves. In hunting seasons people here like hunt to them. I’m really against hunting. The wolves are a little bit bigger than dogs, more or less. Well, there is nothing to talk much about them. They live where ever the forests are.  They are NOT vegetarians, and might attack people when they feel threatened so don’t try to pet them if you see one in the forest.

 Who do you think of when you see this animal? Is it Santa Claus? This animal calls renar or reindeer.  They live far far north of Sweden. I like their horns I think they are much cooler than the moose’ horns. The females can reach to 162-205cm in length and weigh 79-120kg and the males 180-214cm in length and 92-210kg in weight. They live in the big flocks. It’s really cool to have those amazing animals in our country. J

torsdag 10 mars 2011

Best Song!

OMG! I have a special song at the moment! Genom eld by Oskar Linnros! He is one of the most popular singers in Sweden right now. But compare to ABBA he still not that good. I believe all of you have heard about ABBA. They were 1 of the most succeeded Swedish pop music group.  But in my opinion ABBA isn’t my style of music but they are still good… :O  

Genom Eld <3