söndag 20 februari 2011

School sucks

 Good fight, physic test tomorrow. I should have been studying but seriously today is Sunday and it’s so cold outside I just don’t ready for this test. But I think I might take this class off, I am not going to need physic B later on anyway. Well, if I’m not going to go to engineer education in the future, I might need it. And this is the problem; we have the worthless physic teacher ever!  It must be hard for him to explain in the ‘’understanding’’ language. I feel like he only explains in Einstein’s language which no one could understand what he says. Anyway for some people who don’t really know how Swedish high school system works, I can tell you a little bit of it.

 After 9 grades we have to choose a major. Well, you can’t really just choose you have to need a quite good grades to come in for some majors. We have 4 different grades here; there are IG, G, VG and MVG. IG = Icke Godkänd! You don’t want this grade on your grade paper. G = Godkänd which mean you are okay, just fine. VG = Väl Godkänd, that means you are quite good. Many people are happy with VG included me. And last is MVG = Mycket Väl Godkänd, you really want this to appear on your grade paper. This means you are very good, if you have MVG in every subject you have, you are going far in your future.
3 years of high school and then graduation!!! I’m yearning for it! It’s only 4 months for me to graduate. It’s going to be nice to avoid high school; I’m so tired of studying. Sorry to say but I have college in front of me... *sad face*

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